Corsica, Bordeaux & Biarritz Temperature and Climate Recordings

Ajaccio, Corsica, France

At Ajaccio, Corsica, France the average temperature is 14.75C (58.55F). 3.00C (37.40F) is the lowest average monthly low temperature (occurring in January) while 28.00C (82.40F) is the highest average monthly high temperature which occurs in August. This gives us an average range of temperatures of 14.00C (57.20F). Wet weather in Ajaccio, Corsica accumulates to give us an average total of 672.00mm (26.46in) per annum. Therefore the average monthly rainfall is 56.00mm (2.20in). December is the wettest month when an average of 98mm (3.86in) of rain falls over a period of 13 days while in July only 10mm (0.39in) of rain falls over 1 days. Ajaccio, Corsica’s climate enjoys an average of 95 days per year with greater than 0.1mm (0.004in) of rainfall. Relative humidity at Ajaccio, Corsica averages 79.41666667% over the year. 74% is the lowest average monthly relative humidity which occurs in July and 88% is the highest average monthly relative humidity which occurs in December. Ajaccio, Corsica’s climate enjoys an average of 2770 hours of sunshine per year which is an average of 7.59 hours per day. The range of sunlight hours is from an average of 3.7 per day in December to 12.3 per day in July. Get further information regarding the temperature in Corsica on the world climate, temperature and weather website. Excellent climate graphs are provided that publishers can include on their websites.

Bordeaux, France

At Bordeaux, France the average temperature is 12.54C (54.575F). 2.00C (35.60F) is the lowest average monthly low temperature (occurring in January & February) while 26.00C (78.80F) is the highest average monthly high temperature which occurs in August. This gives us an average range of temperatures of 14.50C (58.10F). Wet weather in Bordeaux accumulates to give us an average total of 900.00mm (35.43in) per annum. Therefore the average monthly rainfall is 75.00mm (2.95in). December is the wettest month when an average of 109mm (4.29in) of rain falls over a period of 17 days while in April only 48mm (1.89in) of rain falls over 13 days. Bordeaux’s climate enjoys an average of 162 days per year with greater than 0.1mm (0.004in) of rainfall. Relative humidity at Bordeaux averages 80.5% over the year. 72% is the lowest average monthly relative humidity which occurs in April & July and 92% is the highest average monthly relative humidity which occurs in November & December. Bordeaux’s climate enjoys an average of 2008 hours of sunshine per year which is an average of 5.50 hours per day. The range of sunlight hours is from an average of 2.1 per day in December to 8.4 per day in June. There is more complete information about the temperature in Bordeaux on the world climate, temperature and weather website. Details of the average high and low temperature for each month are available there.

Biarritz, France

At Biarritz, France the average temperature is 13.58C (56.45F). 4.00C (39.20F) is the lowest average monthly low temperature (occurring in January & February) while 24.00C (75.20F) is the highest average monthly high temperature which occurs in August. This gives us an average range of temperatures of 12.50C (54.50F). Wet weather in Biarritz accumulates to give us an average total of 1475.00mm (58.07in) per annum. Therefore the average monthly rainfall is 122.92mm (4.84in). December is the wettest month when an average of 170mm (6.69in) of rain falls over a period of 17 days while in March only 85mm (3.35in) of rain falls over 13 days. Biarritz’s climate enjoys an average of 177 days per year with greater than 0.1mm (0.004in) of rainfall. Relative humidity at Biarritz averages 69.25% over the year. 61% is the lowest average monthly relative humidity which occurs in March and 73% is the highest average monthly relative humidity which occurs in July, November & December. Biarritz’s climate enjoys an average of 1952 hours of sunshine per year which is an average of 5.35 hours per day. The range of sunlight hours is from an average of 1.1 per day in December to 8.0 per day in August. There is more complete information about the Biarritz weather on the world climate, temperature and weather website. They offer a detailed Biarritz climate graph that webmasters can add to their webpages.