Jeddah, Dhahran & Sao Tome And Principe Climate & Average Weather in degrees

Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

In Jeddah, Saudi Arabia the average temperature is 28.42C (83.15F). 16.00C (60.80F) is the lowest monthly average low temperature (occurring in January & February) while 41.00C (105.80F) is the highest monthly average high temperature which occurs in June. Thus the average temperature range is 8.00C (46.40F). Wet weather in Jeddah adds up to a total average rainfall of 62.50mm (2.46in) per annum. That is equivalent to an average monthly rainfall of 5.21mm (0.21in). January & December is the month with the highest quantity of precipitation when 14mm (0.55in) of rain falls while in September, October only 0mm (0.00in) of rain falls. Jeddah’s climate is furnished with 5 days per year with greater than 0.1mm (0.004in) of rainfall. Relative humidity at Jeddah averages 55% over the year. 50% is the lowest average monthly relative humidity which occurs in July and 61% is the highest average monthly relative humidity which occurs in September, October. Get a comprehensive review of the weather in Jeddah by visiting the world climate averages website. Free Jeddah climate graphs are provided that you can even embed in your webpages.

Dhahran, Saudi Arabia

In Dhahran, Saudi Arabia the average temperature is 27.17C (80.9F). 6.00C (42.80F) is the lowest monthly average low temperature (occurring in January) while 46.00C (114.80F) is the highest monthly average high temperature which occurs in August. Thus the average temperature range is 20.00C (68.00F). Wet weather in Dhahran adds up to a total average rainfall of 86.00mm (3.39in) per annum. That is equivalent to an average monthly rainfall of 7.17mm (0.28in). January is the month with the highest quantity of precipitation when 28mm (1.10in) of rain falls while in July, August, September only 0mm (0.00in) of rain falls. Dhahran’s climate is furnished with 0 days per year with greater than 0.1mm (0.004in) of rainfall. Get a comprehensive review of the climate in Dhahran at the average weather & climate website. Excellent climate graphs are provided that publishers can include on their websites.

Sao Tome, Sao Tome And Principe

In Sao Tome, Sao Tome And Principe the average temperature is 25.50C (77.9F). 21.00C (69.80F) is the lowest monthly average low temperature (occurring in July, August, September) while 31.00C (87.80F) is the highest monthly average high temperature which occurs in March. Thus the average temperature range is 4.00C (39.20F). Wet weather in Sao Tome adds up to a total average rainfall of 872.00mm (34.33in) per annum. That is equivalent to an average monthly rainfall of 72.67mm (2.86in). March is the month with the highest quantity of precipitation when 132mm (5.20in) of rain falls over a period of 12 days while in July only 0mm (0.00in) of rain falls over 2 days. Sao Tome’s climate is furnished with 94 days per year with greater than 0.1mm (0.004in) of rainfall. Relative humidity at Sao Tome averages 76.08333333% over the year. 70% is the lowest average monthly relative humidity which occurs in July & August and 79% is the highest average monthly relative humidity which occurs in May, October, November, December. Sao Tome’s climate is furnished with 1671 hours of sunshine per year. That is an average of 4.58 hours per day. Daily hours of sunshine range from between 3.4 per day in September to 5.9 per day in June. Find out more about the temperature in Sao Tome at the average weather & climate website. Free Sao Tome climate graphs are provided that you can even embed in your webpages.