Kuwait, Split & Zagreb Climate & Average Weather Mean Values

Kuwait City, Kuwait

In Kuwait City, Kuwait the average temperature is 25.83C (78.5F). 8.00C (46.40F) is the lowest monthly average low temperature (occurring in January) while 45.00C (113.00F) is the highest monthly average high temperature which occurs in July. The average temperature range is therefore 24.00C (75.20F). Wet weather in Kuwait City accumulates so that there is a total average rainfall of 96.00mm (3.78in) per annum. Divided over the year this gives an average monthly rainfall of 8.00mm (0.31in). Kuwait’s weather is effected by 18 days per year with greater than 0.1mm (0.004in) of rainfall. Relative humidity at Kuwait City averages 55.33333333% over the year. 41% is the lowest average monthly relative humidity which occurs in July and 65% is the highest average monthly relative humidity which occurs in December. Kuwait’s weather is effected by 3347 hours of sunshine per year which is an average of 9.17 hours per day. The range of sunlight hours is from an average of 7.0 per day in December to 11.0 per day in August. You can get more info about the Kuwait temperature on the excellent linked to website. Free Kuwait climate graphs are available for you to add to your webpages.

Split, Croatia

In Split, Croatia the average temperature is 16.38C (61.475F). 5.00C (41.00F) is the lowest monthly average low temperature (occurring in January & February) while 30.00C (86.00F) is the highest monthly average high temperature which occurs in July & August. The average temperature range is therefore 18.50C (65.30F). Wet weather in Split accumulates so that there is a total average rainfall of 821.00mm (32.32in) per annum. Divided over the year this gives an average monthly rainfall of 68.42mm (2.69in). December is the month with most precipitation when 118mm (4.65in) of rain falls over a period of 14 days while in July only 30mm (1.18in) of rain falls over 6 days. Split’s weather is effected by 113 days per year with greater than 0.1mm (0.004in) of rainfall. Relative humidity at Split averages 59.33333333% over the year. 50% is the lowest average monthly relative humidity which occurs in July & August and 67% is the highest average monthly relative humidity which occurs in November, December. Split’s weather is effected by 2621 hours of sunshine per year which is an average of 7.18 hours per day. The range of sunlight hours is from an average of 3.4 per day in December to 11.6 per day in July. Uncover more exact details and insight on the temperature in Split by visiting the world climate graphs site. They offer a detailed Split climate graph that webmasters can add to their webpages.

Zagreb, Croatia

In Zagreb, Croatia the average temperature is 11.67C (53F). -3.00C (26.60F) is the lowest monthly average low temperature (occurring in January) while 27.00C (80.60F) is the highest monthly average high temperature which occurs in July & August. The average temperature range is therefore 22.00C (71.60F). Wet weather in Zagreb accumulates so that there is a total average rainfall of 864.00mm (34.02in) per annum. Divided over the year this gives an average monthly rainfall of 72.00mm (2.83in). June is the month with most precipitation when 95mm (3.74in) of rain falls over a period of 10 days while in March only 47mm (1.85in) of rain falls over 7 days. Zagreb’s weather is effected by 96 days per year with greater than 0.1mm (0.004in) of rainfall. Relative humidity at Zagreb averages 69.33333333% over the year. 60% is the lowest average monthly relative humidity which occurs in April and 81% is the highest average monthly relative humidity which occurs in December. Zagreb’s weather is effected by 1806 hours of sunshine per year which is an average of 4.95 hours per day. The range of sunlight hours is from an average of 1.3 per day in December to 8.7 per day in July. Get a more detailed review of the Zagreb temperature by visiting the world climate graphs site. Details of the average high and low temperature for each month are available there.