What are LED Lighting Systems and How Can those Lights Benefit Us?

A Light Emitting Diode (LED) is a form of semiconductor source of light intended for a variety of functions. It is found in indicator lamps in lots of devices, office room lighting, aviation lighting, traffic signals, etc. In addition infrared LEDs are used in remote control systems in electronic equipment like TV, DVD players, etc. Commercially, LEDs are used in lieu of incandescent and CFL lamps by considering its advantageous financial savings over the classic lighting systems.

Probably the most important benefits of LED lighting systems include its high luminous efficacy, which means how good a light source releases visible light. More importantly LEDs are high efficiency simply because they emit only a small amount or nearly no heat if compared to the incandescent lamps. Let’s look at the good things about LEDs one at a time:

1. Regarding the efficiency, LEDs will be able to create much more light per watt input when compared to the traditional methods for lighting. Though the effectiveness of fluorescent lighting rely upon its shape and size, it happens to be of lowest in the case of LEDs.

2. Traditional lighting systems make light at different colorations with the assistance of colour filters. But LEDs don’t require such color filters and therefore are more efficient.

3. An additional merit would be that the measurements of LEDs are often as small as 2 mm as compared to the older methods of lighting products.

4. If you desire to have quick illumination for an area, it is strongly recommended to employ LED lights as they can light up instantly. It is very crucial in the case of vehicle indicators that a red indicator light should gain full brightness in just a microsecond. So that it can serve its purpose quickly to other drivers and thereby stop accidents.

5. People often say that LEDs emit only less volume of heat in contrast with other means of less efficient lighting. It will help you to reduce the damage caused to sensitive objects and fabrics.

6. We know that incandescent bulbs will stop operating all on a sudden without giving any sign of its imminent failure. But LEDs are not so. It will produce a dim light over time and will gradually stop its operation.

7. Another greatest advantage of LEDs is concerning its life span. Its life-time is relatively more than that of incandescent (length of only 1,000 to 2,000 hours) and fluorescent tubes. LEDs life time is more than 50,000 hours as against only 15,000 hours of Fluorescent lamps.

8. Although LEDs cost a greater amount at first, you will be able to eliminate the constant maintenance cost and the regular replacing costs. Therefore , in the long term LEDs will be more lucrative than the low-cost, low efficient traditional incandescent, fluorescent, and CFL lighting systems.

We know that the world is battling with Global Warming with damaging climate change. As LEDs don’t use damaging gases like sodium or mercury, the use of LEDs can reduce the additional emission level of Green House Gases which present a serious challenge to the existence of the Ozone layer. Due to this fact LED lighting systems are viewed as an alternative form of energy and its advantages over the traditional lighting methods like incandescent lamps, fluorescent tubes, CFL lighting, etc.