Democratic Republic Of The Congo Climate, Temperatures & Average Weather Overview

Bogota, Colombia

At Bogota, Colombia the average temp for the year is 13.04C (55.475F). 4.00C (39.20F) is the most cold monthly mean minimum temperature (transpiring in January) while 21.00C (69.80F) is the hottest monthly average high temp transpiring in the month of January, February, March. Therefore we can say that the annual average temperature range is 1.50C. Precipitation in Colombia comes to an average total of 739.00mm (29.09in) per annum. That means that average monthly rainfall is 61.58mm (2.42in). October is the rainiest month subject to an average of 131mm (5.16in) of precipitation occurring during 17 days while in August only 28mm (1.10in) of rain falls over 15 days. Colombia’s climate has 164 days per year with greater than 0.1mm (0.004in) of rainfall. Relative humidity at Colombia averages 79% annually. 76% is the lowest average monthly relative humidity ensueing in February and 83% is the highest mean monthly relative humidity ensueing in November. Colombia’s weather receives 1710 hours of sunlight per year which is an average of 4.68 hours per day. Sunlight hours range from 3.6 per day in May to 5.9 per day in February. Get a more complete summary of the Colombia average temp on this quality website. Just click on the link to find out more. Free Colombia climate graphs display a comprehensive synopsis of the relative humidity in Colombia.

Kinshasa, Democratic Republic Of The Congo

At Kinshasa, Democratic Republic Of Congo the mean temp is 25.17C (77.3F). 17.00C (62.60F) is the coolest monthly mean low temperature (transpiring in July) while 31.00C (87.80F) is the warmest monthly mean max temp to be found in the month of February, March, April, May. Thus the range of mean temperatures over the year is 4.50C. Rainfall/ snowfall etc. in Democratic Republic Of Congo accumulates to give us a mean total of 1482.00mm (58.35in) per annum. That means that average monthly rainfall is 123.50mm (4.86in). November is the wettest month subject to an average of 247mm (9.72in) of precipitation occurring during 16 days while in August only 2mm (0.08in) of rain falls over 1 days. Democratic Republic Of Congo’s weather is subject to 115 days per year with greater than 0.1mm (0.004in) of rainfall. Relative humidity at Democratic Republic Of Congo averages 80.25% over the year. 74% is the lowest average monthly relative humidity that presents itself in August, September and 83% is the maximum average monthly relative humidity transpiring in January, November & December. Democratic Republic Of Congo’s weather is subject to 1739 sunshine hours annually or 4.76 hours per day. Sunshine hours range from 4.1 per day in December to 5.3 per day in March, May. You can analyse more info about the Democratic Republic Of Congo sunlight March at this useful resource. Just visit the link to find out more. Free Democratic Republic Of Congo climate graphs display a comprehensive synopsis of the relative humidity in Democratic Republic Of Congo.

Moroni, Comoros

At Moroni, Comoros the yearly average temp is 24.75C (76.55F). 19.00C (66.20F) is the coldest monthly average min temp (that presents itself in July & August) while 31.00C (87.80F) is the most hot monthly average max temperature that takes place in the month of February, March, April, May & December. The mean temperature range is 4.00C. Rainfall/ snowfall etc. in Comoros is on average 2562.00mm (100.87in) per annum. That means that average monthly rainfall is 213.50mm (8.41in). January is the most damp month subject to an average of 357mm (14.06in) of precipitation occurring during 16 days while in October only 89mm (3.50in) of rain falls over 9 days. Comoros’s weather has 136 days per year with greater than 0.1mm (0.004in) of rainfall. Relative humidity at Comoros averages 71.25% annually. 65% is the lowest mean monthly relative humidity that takes place in July & August and 79% is the highest mean monthly relative humidity that presents itself in January. Comoros’s climate has 2612 sunshine hours annually or 7.16 daily hours. The range of hours of sunshine is from an average of 6.0 per day in January to 7.7 per day in June. Get a more detailed summary of the Comoros weather in January thanks to the quality website. Click the link to see it all. Free Comoros climate charts show further information on the average temperatures in Comoros.

Dublin, Cork & Sligo Climate, Temperature & Average Weather Details

Dublin, Ireland

In Dublin, Ireland the average temperature is 9.58C (49.25F). 2.00C (35.60F) is the lowest monthly average low temperature (occurring in January & February) while 19.00C (66.20F) is the highest monthly average high temperature which occurs in July & August. The average temperature range is therefore 10.50C (50.90F). Wet weather in Dublin accumulates so that there is a total average rainfall of 769.00mm (30.28in) per annum. Divided over the year this gives an average monthly rainfall of 64.08mm (2.52in). August is the month with most precipitation when 80mm (3.15in) of rain falls over a period of 17 days while in April only 43mm (1.69in) of rain falls over 14 days. Dublin’s weather is effected by 191 days per year with greater than 0.1mm (0.004in) of rainfall. Relative humidity at Dublin averages 83% over the year. 76% is the lowest average monthly relative humidity which occurs in June and 87% is the highest average monthly relative humidity which occurs in January, November, December. Dublin’s weather is effected by 1503 hours of sunshine per year which is an average of 4.12 hours per day. The range of sunlight hours is from an average of 1.7 per day in December to 6.7 per day in May. There is further information about the Dublin climate by visiting the world climate graphs site. Details of the average high and low temperature for each month are available there.

Cork, Ireland

In Cork, Ireland the average temperature is 10.33C (50.6F). 2.00C (35.60F) is the lowest monthly average low temperature (occurring in January) while 20.00C (68.00F) is the highest monthly average high temperature which occurs in July & August. The average temperature range is therefore 10.50C (50.90F). Wet weather in Cork accumulates so that there is a total average rainfall of 1048.00mm (41.26in) per annum. Divided over the year this gives an average monthly rainfall of 87.33mm (3.44in). December is the month with most precipitation when 122mm (4.80in) of rain falls over a period of 16 days while in April, June only 57mm (2.24in) of rain falls over days. Cork’s weather is effected by 146 days per year with greater than 0.1mm (0.004in) of rainfall. Relative humidity at Cork averages 85% over the year. 78% is the lowest average monthly relative humidity which occurs in May and 90% is the highest average monthly relative humidity which occurs in October, November. Cork’s weather is effected by 1417 hours of sunshine per year which is an average of 3.88 hours per day. The range of sunlight hours is from an average of 1.5 per day in December to 6.3 per day in May. Furnish yourself with comprehensive information regarding the Cork weather at the world climate and temperature website. They offer a detailed Cork climate graph that webmasters can add to their webpages.

Collooney, Sligo, Ireland

In Collooney, Sligo, Ireland the average temperature is 9.42C (48.95F). 1.00C (33.80F) is the lowest monthly average low temperature (occurring in January & February) while 19.00C (66.20F) is the highest monthly average high temperature which occurs in August. The average temperature range is therefore 10.50C (50.90F). Wet weather in Collooney, Sligo accumulates so that there is a total average rainfall of 1131.00mm (44.53in) per annum. Divided over the year this gives an average monthly rainfall of 94.25mm (3.71in). December is the month with most precipitation when 129mm (5.08in) of rain falls over a period of 20 days while in April only 65mm (2.56in) of rain falls over 14 days. Collooney, Sligo’s weather is effected by 196 days per year with greater than 0.1mm (0.004in) of rainfall. Relative humidity at Collooney, Sligo averages 87.33333333% over the year. 80% is the lowest average monthly relative humidity which occurs in May and 92% is the highest average monthly relative humidity which occurs in January, November, December. Collooney, Sligo’s weather is effected by 1200 hours of sunshine per year which is an average of 3.29 hours per day. The range of sunlight hours is from an average of 1.1 per day in December to 6.1 per day in May. You can get more info about the Collooney, Sligo temperature by visiting the world climate graphs site. Excellent climate graphs are provided that publishers can include on their websites.

South Africa Average Weather

Johannesburg, South Africa

In Johannesburg, South Africa the mean annual temperature is 16.21C (61.175F). 4.00C (39.20F) is the most cold monthly mean low temperature (to be found in June, July) while 26.00C (78.80F) is the most hot monthly mean max temp measured in January & December. There is an annual range of mean temperatures of 10.00C. Precipitation in South Africa builds up to an average total of 849.00mm (33.43in) per year. Thus mean monthly precipitation is 70.75mm (2.79in). January is the dampest month when an average of 150mm (5.91in) of precipitation occurring during 15 days while in June only 7mm (0.28in) of rain falls over 1 days. South Africa’s climate is subject to an average of 96 days per year with greater than 0.1mm (0.004in) of rainfall. Relative humidity at South Africa averages 59.16666667% over the year. 47% is the lowest mean monthly relative humidity which occurs in August, September and 71% is the highest average monthly relative humidity that presents itself in February. South Africa’s weather has an average of 3182 sunshine hours per year or 8.72 hours per day. There is a range of hours of sunshine from 7.4 per day in March to 9.7 per day in August. There is further information about the temperature in South Africa in August thanks to this quality resource. Visit the link now to go there. Free South Africa climate charts show further information on the sunlight hours in South Africa.

Stockholm, Sweden

In Stockholm, Sweden the average temp is 6.58C (43.85F). -5.00C (23.00F) is the coldest monthly mean minimum temp (that presents itself in January & February) while 22.00C (71.60F) is the most hot monthly average max temperature that takes place in the month of July. The mean temperature range is 21.00C. Wet weather in Sweden accumulates to give us a mean total of 554.00mm (21.81in) per year. Thus mean monthly precipitation is 46.17mm (1.82in). August is the rainiest month when an average of 76mm (2.99in) of rain falling over a period of 14 days while in March only 25mm (0.98in) of rain falls over 10 days. Sweden’s climate has an average of 164 days per year with greater than 0.1mm (0.004in) of rainfall. Relative humidity at Sweden averages 77.83333333% annually. 65% is the lowest mean monthly relative humidity that comes about in May and 88% is the highest mean monthly relative humidity to be found in November. Sweden’s weather is effected by an average of 1973 sunlight hours per year or 5.41 hours per day. There is a range of hours of sunshine from 0.8 per day in December to 10.6 per day in June. Furnish yourself with comprehensive information regarding the weather in Sweden in October at the very useful resource. Just click on the link to find out more. Free Sweden climate charts expose a comprehensive synopsis of the sunlight hours in Sweden.

Paramaribo, Surinam

In Paramaribo, Surinam the mean annual temperature is 27.42C (81.35F). 23.00C (73.40F) is the coldest monthly average minimum temperature (to be found in January, February, March, May, June, July & December) while 33.00C (91.40F) is the most hot monthly average max temperature transpiring in the month of September, October, November. There is an annual range of mean temperatures of 3.00C. Precipitation in Surinam builds up to an average total of 2210.00mm (87.01in) per annum. Thus mean monthly precipitation is 184.17mm (7.25in). May is the wettest month subject to an average of 321mm (12.64in) of rain falling over a period of 26 days while in September only 86mm (3.39in) of rain falls over 12 days. Surinam’s climate receives an average of 237 days per year with greater than 0.1mm (0.004in) of rainfall. Surinam’s climate is subject to an average of 2542 hours of sunshine annually equivalent to an average of 6.96 daily hours. Sunlight hours range from 5.4 per day in May to 9.3 per day in September. Uncover more exact details and insight on the climate weather in Surinam in September on the helpful resource. Visit the link now to go there. Free Surinam climate graphs depict full details about the wet days in Surinam.