Climate, Temperatures & Weather Summary for Czech Republic

Ndola, Zambia

In Ndola, Zambia the mean temp is 20.00C (68F). 6.00C (42.80F) is the most cold monthly average minimum temperature (that takes place in June, July) while 32.00C (89.60F) is the hottest monthly average high temperature that presents itself in the month of October. Therefore we can say that the annual average temperature range is 8.50C. Precipitation in Zambia accumulates to give us a mean total of 1169.00mm (46.02in) per annum. This is equivalent to average monthly precipitation of 97.42mm (3.84in). January is the rainiest month when an average of 289mm (11.38in) of rain, hail, sleet or snow falling across 20 days while in June, July only 0mm (0.00in) of rain falls. Zambia’s weather enjoys an average of 94 days per year with greater than 0.1mm (0.004in) of rainfall. Relative humidity at Zambia averages 62.41666667% annually. 40% is the most low mean monthly relative humidity that takes place in September, October and 82% is the highest mean monthly relative humidity that takes place in February. Zambia’s weather receives an average of 2692 hours of sunshine per year which is an average of 7.38 hours per day. Sunshine hours range from 4.3 per day in February to 9.5 per day in August. Furnish yourself with comprehensive information regarding the Zambia temperatures Chart on this excellent resource. Click the link to go there. Free Zambia climate charts show a comprehensive synopsis of the average weather in Zambia.

Faya, Chad

In Faya, Chad the mean annual temperature is 28.33C (83F). 14.00C (57.20F) is the coldest monthly average minimum temperature (which occurs in January) while 42.00C (107.60F) is the warmest monthly average max temp recorded in the month of June. The mean temperature range is 14.50C. Rainfall/ snowfall etc. in Chad builds up to an average total of 18.00mm (0.71in) per annum. Thus mean monthly precipitation is 1.50mm (0.06in). August is the rainiest month effected by an average of 11mm (0.43in) of water precipitating on an average of 2 days while in January, February, March, April, October, November & December only 0mm (0.00in) of rain falls. Chad’s climate enjoys an average of 3 days per year with greater than 0.1mm (0.004in) of rainfall. Relative humidity at Chad averages 24.5% annually. 17% is the lowest average monthly relative humidity which occurs in April and 36% is the highest average monthly relative humidity that takes place in August. Get a more detailed review of the climate in Chad in February courtesy of the fantatastic website. Click the link now to go there. Free Chad climate graphs show full details about the rainfall in Chad.

Prague, Czech Republic

In Prague, Czech Republic the yearly mean temperature is 7.83C (46.1F). -5.00C (23.00F) is the most cold monthly average minimum temperature (to be found in January) while 23.00C (73.40F) is the peak monthly mean max temperature recorded in July. The mean temperature range is 21.00C. Precipitation in Czech Republic totals on average 508.00mm (20.00in) per annum. That means that average monthly rainfall is 42.33mm (1.67in). July is the rainiest month subject to an average of 82mm (3.23in) of water precipitating on an average of 13 days while in January, March only 23mm (0.91in) of rain falls. Czech Republic’s climate enjoys an average of 150 days per year with greater than 0.1mm (0.004in) of rainfall. Relative humidity at Czech Republic averages 71.16666667% annually. 63% is the lowest mean monthly relative humidity ensueing in May, June, July and 83% is the peak mean monthly relative humidity to be found in December. Czech Republic’s weather receives an average of 1902 hours of sunlight annually which is an average of 5.21 daily hours. Sunshine hours vary from 1.4 per day in December to 8.8 per day in June. You can get more info about the Czech Republic climate in June courtesy of the fantatastic resource. Click the link now to go there. Free Czech Republic climate graphs depict a full review of the rainfall in Czech Republic.

Australia Weather, Temperatures & Climate Summary

Sydney, Australia

At Sydney, Australia the mean annual temperature is 17.38C (63.275F). 8.00C (46.40F) is the coolest monthly mean minimum temperature (transpiring in July) while 26.00C (78.80F) is the warmest monthly mean max temp transpiring in January. There is an annual range of mean temperatures of 10.00C. Precipitation in Australia accumulates to give us a mean total of 1207.00mm (47.52in) per annum. Thus mean monthly precipitation is 100.58mm (3.96in). June is the rainiest month subject to an average of 141mm (5.55in) of water precipitating on an average of 12 days while in September only 72mm (2.83in) of rain falls over 11 days. Australia’s climate is effected by 150 days per year with greater than 0.1mm (0.004in) of rainfall. Relative humidity at Australia averages 61.33333333% annually. 55% is the lowest mean monthly relative humidity which occurs in September and 66%is the peak mean monthly relative humidity ensueing in February. Australia’s climate enjoys 2426 hours of sunshine annually which is an average of 6.65 hours per day. Sunlight hours range from 5.3 per day in June to 7.6 per day in November. Get a more full guide to the weather in Australia thanks to this helpful website. Visit the link now to see it all. Free Australia climate graphs depict further information on the rainfall in Australia.

Lankaran, Azerbaijan

At Lankaran, Azerbaijan the average temperature for the year is 13.42C (56.15F). 0.00C (32.00F) is the most cold monthly average low temp (transpiring in January) while 28.00C (82.40F) is the peak monthly mean max temperature that takes place in July & August. Thus the range of mean temperatures over the year is 22.00C. Wet weather in Azerbaijan totals on average 1252.00mm (49.29in) per annum. Monthly precipitation averages are thus 104.33mm (4.11in). September is the most damp month subject to an average of 218mm (8.58in) of rain, hail, sleet or snow falling across 11 days while in June only 23mm (0.91in) of rain falls over 2 days. Azerbaijan’s weather enjoys 94 days per year with greater than 0.1mm (0.004in) of rainfall. Relative humidity at Azerbaijan averages 74.08333333% annually. 61% is the lowest average monthly relative humidity which occurs in July and 83%is the highest mean monthly relative humidity transpiring in December. Explore furtherinsight on the Azerbaijan climate Graph thanks to this excellent website. Free Azerbaijan climate charts expose a full review of the windspeeds in Azerbaijan.

Ascension Island

At Ascension Island the annual mean temperature is 26.00C (78.8F). 22.00C (71.60F) is the coldest monthly average min temperature (to be found in July, August, September, October, November & December) while 31.00C (87.80F) is the warmest monthly average high temperature recorded in February, March, April, May. Therefore we can say that the annual average temperature range is 2.00C. Rainfall/ snowfall etc. in Ascension Island is on average 142.00mm (5.59in) per year. The average amount of rainfall per month is 11.83mm (0.47in). April is the dampest month effected by an average of 33mm (1.30in) of rain, hail, sleet or snow falling across 4 days while in January, November & December only 4mm (0.16in) of rain falls. Ascension Island’s weather is effected by 30 days per year with greater than 0.1mm (0.004in) of rainfall. Relative humidity at Ascension Island averages 68.66666667% over the year. 67% is the minimum mean monthly relative humidity to be found in July and 70%is the peak mean monthly relative humidity that takes place in January. Ascension Island’s weather is subject to 2659 sunshine hours per year or 7.28 hours per day. The range of hours of sunshine is from an average of 5.2 per day in October to 8.9 per day in March. There is more info about the Ascension Island average precipitation in March courtesy of this excellent website. This link covers basically everything you need to know. Free Ascension Island climate charts display further information on the average weather in Ascension Island climate graph that webmasters can add to their webpages. |Excellent climate graphs are provided that publishers can include on their websites.}

Bangladesh Temperature and Mean Weather Description

New York, Usa

In New York, Usa the mean annual temperature is 12.21C (53.975F). -3.00C (26.60F) is the lowest monthly mean minimum temperature (that presents itself in January) while 28.00C (82.40F) is the peak monthly average max temp that presents itself in July. Therefore we can say that the annual average temperature range is 23.50C. Wet weather in Usa is on average 1100.00mm (43.31in) per annum. The average amount of rainfall per month is 91.67mm (3.61in). August is the wettest month effected by an average of 119mm (4.69in) of rain falling over a period of 10 days while in February only 74mm (2.91in) of rain falls over 10 days. Usa’s weather enjoys an average of 121 days per year with greater than 0.1mm (0.004in) of rainfall. Relative humidity at Usa averages 58.33333333% over the year. 55% is the lowest average monthly relative humidity that presents itself in April and 61% is the peak mean monthly relative humidity ensueing in January. Usa’s weather has an average of 2656 sunlight hours per year or 7.28 hours per day. The range of hours of sunshine is from an average of 4.9 per day in January to 10.0 per day in June. Uncover more exact details and insight on the weather in Usa in September courtesy of the fantatastic website. Free Usa climate graphs display full details about the windspeeds in Usa.

Chittagong, Bangladesh

At Chittagong, Bangladesh the yearly average temperature is 25.08C (77.15F). 13.00C (55.40F) is the lowest monthly mean min temperature (transpiring in January) while 32.00C (89.60F) is the most hot monthly mean high temperature measured in April, May. The annual mean temperature range is 9.00C. Precipitation in Bangladesh totals on average 2735.00mm (107.68in) per annum. Monthly precipitation averages are thus 227.92mm (8.97in). July is the dampest month subject to an average of 598mm (23.54in) of precipitation occurring during 26 days while in January only 6mm (0.24in) of rain falls over 2 days. Bangladesh’s climate enjoys 135 days per year with greater than 0.1mm (0.004in) of rainfall. Relative humidity at Bangladesh averages 73.66666667% annually. 58% is the lowest mean monthly relative humidity that takes place in January & February and 86% is the highest average monthly relative humidity that takes place in August. Get a more complete guide to the temperatures in Bangladesh in January courtesy of this excellent website. Free Bangladesh climate graphs depict further information on the average weather in Bangladesh.

Honolulu, Hawaii

In Honolulu, Hawaii the yearly average temp is 24.38C (75.875F). 19.00C (66.20F) is the coldest monthly average minimum temp (that comes about in January, February, March) while 30.00C (86.00F) is the hottest monthly average max temp which occurs in the month of September. The range of mean temperatures over the year is 4.00C. Wet weather in Hawaii totals on average 556.00mm (21.89in) per annum. Monthly precipitation averages are thus 46.33mm (1.82in). January is the most rainy month subject to an average of 96mm (3.78in) of rain falling over a period of 11 days while in June only 8mm (0.31in) of rain falls over 9 days. Hawaii’s climate enjoys 126 days per year with greater than 0.1mm (0.004in) of rainfall. Relative humidity at Hawaii averages 60% over the year. 57% is the minimum mean monthly relative humidity that comes about in September and 64% is the peak average monthly relative humidity to be found in January. Hawaii’s weather enjoys 3172 sunshine hours per year or 8.69 daily hours. Sunshine hours vary from 6.1 per day in November to 10.7 per day in July. You can analyse more info about the climate in Hawaii May thanks to the fantatastic resource. Free Hawaii climate charts expose a comprehensive synopsis of the relative humidity in Hawaii.