Treatment of Mononucleosis

Mono, also known as the kissing disease can be very dangerous and should be carefully treated. Mono the kissing disease is called that because it is often spread through saliva and close contact often made in sexual positions. Mono is most common in middle school and high school aged people.

In some cases of mononucleosis after two or three days in addition to flu-like symptoms a patient may experience more severe conditions such as swollen lymph nodes, a sudden appearance of jaundice (a person’s skin and eyes turn yellowish). Sometimes one of the symptoms of mononucleosis is the appearance of little red spots that resemble bruises and appear in the mouth area. Abdominal pain is also not uncommon for mononucleosis patients. Occasionally a measles-like rash can appear on a person’s face or body one of the symptoms of mononucleosis. Some rear symptoms of mononucleosis may include cough, stiff neck, nosebleed, shortness of breath and rapid heartbeat.

These white blood cells actually attack red blood cells that are infected by the herpes type virus that causes the mononucleosis symptom of tiredness. Red blood cells are needed to fulfill all the functions of a healthy body. White blood cells are needed to attack and to kill invading virus organisms. When the body is fighting an attack by an invading organism, it will signal a shut down of activity and actually initiate fatigue. The body needs to concentrate all of its internal functions into destroying the invading viral attack.

One cannot relieve a symptom of mononucleosis with any particular treatment a doctor can give. As a matter of fact, a symptom of mononucleosis will go away on its own. It sometimes takes as short a time period as a couple of weeks, but sometimes these symptoms can persist for months. Sufferers of the illness just have to wait for each symptom of mononucleosis to go away on its own.

Mononucleosis can often cause a person to have a sore throat, so it is important that a person gargle a few times a day to help relieve it. Gargling helps get rid of the bacteria in the throat and helps reduce the swelling. There are many things that available for a person to gargle with, but it is recommended that a person use either salt water or licorice for the best results.

For the treatment of prolonged fatigue, individuals should relax in warm bath containing bergamot, eucalyptus, and lavender oils. The extracts containing these oils possess naturally soothing elements and help to rejuvenate the body. Aches and pains generated from the disease will be reduced in this treatment of mononucleosis.

Learn more about mononucleosis treatment. Stop by our website where you can read about glandular fever. This information is provided for educational purposes only. Please consult your doctor before taking any medical advice.