Before You Buy P90X

In this busy day and age, it can be difficult squeezing a healthy workout routine into your schedule. And on top of that equipment and gym memberships seem to be more expensive when so many of us can afford less.

The Power 90 workout, or the P90x workout, is a new regiment designed and presented by fitness guru Tony Horton. It has the ambitious goal of improving your physique in 90 days (hence the p90x in the name).

To be clear, I am not advocating the P90x workout; I am simply describing it as it is one of many options available to people trying to get in shape.

The workout package comes with twelve separate workouts on DVD set led by Tony Horton himself.

This fitness routine covers appropriate stretch exercise as well as plyometrics. The explanation of these different portions of the workout are described in a simple and down-to-earth way.

Each workout is intended to challenge you more and more over time, so if you don’t have the discipline and perseverance to stick to any kind of workout, you may struggle with this one as well.

When you consider any p90x reviews or pitches to buy p90x, you need to ask, does p90x work for you personally? And the answer will be as much about your attitude and personal discipline as it is about the product itself.

Each workout lasts around an hour or so and includes extensive encouragement to keep you going. Whether you find these pep talks helpful or no will really be up to your own personality.

You’ll find all the workouts organized in specific sections using an on-screen bar to display your progress.

With p90x routine, you will cover strength training, cardiovascular training and extensive stretching to experience a balanced workout.

The basic premise is twofold: Balance strength, cardio and flexibility, and keep surprising your body to avoid plateaus.

Whether Tony Horton’s personality and particular regiment will work is entirely up to your personality and your level of discipline.