How to Cope With a Gifted Child

Challenges Faced by Gifted Children

Part of childcare courses training will introduce participants to the concept of first person language when interacting with children with special needs. Parenting a gifted child can be just as demanding as parenting a child with other special needs. They can exhaust their parents and make them feel inadequate and even helpless. They can become antisocial and withdrawn if they think that other children and adults misunderstand them. They can also become bored and troublesome in ordinary lessons.

Characteristics of a Bright Child

Most children at some time are ahead of their age in one form of development or another, but parents should bear in mind that super performance in one or two areas does not make their children especially bright. The characteristic of a bright child is that she is ahead of her age in nearly all forms of achievement and in the acquisition of skills. She is, across the board, a super-achieving child who is mentally, physically and emotionally well adjusted and healthy.

Gifted Children Need Help

The gifted child will enjoy all kinds of brain exercises and teasers and may even find some of them very easy. A gifted child learns quickly and is able to use that learning in a very broad sense. While giftedness in itself is not a problem to the gifted child, it can become one because of the reaction of others. Misunderstanding between parents and children can lead to children becoming introspective. This may not be a big problem, but if a gifted child becomes a loner and draws on his own imagination, he may become isolated at the time when he creates and manipulates ideas. This can cause the child to lose confidence and it can mar his or her self esteem. In these circumstances, seeking the help of a professional hypnotherapist with counseling skills may help gifted children with adjustment challenges to understand their emotions and to be able to cope with their situation in life.

Holistic Approach is Best

Gifted children usually have exceptional talents like musical or artistic ability, special mathematical or linguistic ability, or spatial ability, and a very high IQ and parents have difficulty providing sufficient stimulation for their children. They may want to consider an accelerated learning program for such children. At the same time, they may want to ensure that their children are growing up mentally and emotionally healthy. Just focusing on their physical health and ability to excel in academic work is not enough. They need to ensure that their children are mentally, physically and emotionally stable.

Parents of Gifted Children Need Help Too

Taking care of gifted children is hard work. Parents have to remain healthy for their children’s sake. They have to keep replenishing their energy to avoid becoming short tempered, impatient or argumentative. Like all children, gifted children also need the atmosphere of love and warmth, calm and rhythm, interest and enthusiasm, for proper growth. This means that parents will also benefit from a couple of hypnotherapy sessions to help them de-stress, unwind and be able to accept their responsibilities in a calmer, more objective manner. They can learn how best to communicate with their children and how to maintain a healthy relationship with all the family members, this ensuring peace in the home.

Course for Parents

To help parents who’re unsure how they can help their children, I teach a popular course called Parenting Course through Subconscious Programming. This is a course for parents who want to learn how to be better parents, by understanding how the mind of their children works and how they can facilitate better communication and encourage their children to perform better. They also get to understand their children better.

Adopting a More Positive Attitude

It is best to remember that despite giftedness, they are still children and they learn through example and imitation. Their experiences need to be enriched too, through varied activities. It is better for them to have regular guided lessons two or three times a week too. Parents’ attitude towards learning, education and study is very important as they directly influence their children’s attitude towards school, different subjects and even teachers. A positive attitude is absolutely essential if children are to enjoy school and get the most out of it. The hypnotherapy sessions would also help parents and the children deprogram the negative and erroneous programming of their minds so that they can be subconsciously programmed to remain positive despite the odds or setbacks or challenges that they face in day to day life.

How can Parents Help their Children

Sometimes gifted children, due to various reasons, may have a low energy level, which not only undermines physical activities and qualities such as curiosity and adventurousness, but also strength and stamina. This would then affect enjoyment and learning. They may also produce shyness, irritability, depression, and anti-social behavior. It is the parents’ responsibility to teach their children to relate to others. For a child to be socially accepted, his antisocial behavior should not go unchallenged. It must be corrected before it becomes habitual and spoils his chances of being a member of the group. When parents have challenges in helping their children, they can always consult a professional hypnotherapist cum counselor to help them. They will learn amongst other things how to work with their child’s teachers and how they can help their child to be more responsible

A child’s personality is made up of three components- emotional well being, activity level and sociability. It is the parents’ responsibility to ensure that their children are well adjusted in all three areas. This will make for a happy child and it is this quality in children that will help them accept frustrations and obstacles more calmly and to look for ways to overcome them. A happy child is also more sociable and liked by everyone. When parents are unable to help their children, they can always seek the help of a professional.

Take Action Now!
Why wait? I am the right person to help your child. I was a school teacher before I became a hypnotherapist. In addition I have numerous training in a number of modalities including counseling and inter personal psychotherapy. And I have many years of experience working with children and teenagers. I have had success even with the most reluctant of children whom I managed to befriend and to make them more receptive to making positive changes. Many parents heave a sigh of relief when they discover how I can help them get their children back on track.

How to Contact Me?
Please email to me at or You may also call my office at +65-64639500 or my business mobile at +65-91000432. To know more before you contact me, you may visit my website:

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With you on the Path to Success!

Fauziah Shah was an educationist before she became a hypnotherapist. As a Board Certified Hypnotherapist and a Hypnosis Trainer, Fauziah now runs a busy private practice where she sees children, women and men for various challenges. She has helped countles people change their lives, take charge of their lives, remove old erroneous programming, remove blockages to success and to be in a state of allowance so that they can start expecting and receiving all the positive things into their lives. Many people are grateful to Fauziah for having helped them quit bad habits, overcome personal challenges, cope with relationship problems, get rid of fears and phobias, get better sleep, manage stress and pain and many other challenges.

She also shares case studies with her students without revealing any details of her clients. She respects the privacy of her clients and all records are confidential. Fauziah is a natural born healer and treats her clients with utmost respect. Her motto is to go the extra mile for those consulting her. Fauziah is result oriented and so far, everyone she has seen has gotten better and is satisfied. Fauziah believes in ongoing learning and research and always explores new ways to help her clients. She encourages her students to be creative too and to always increase their therapeutic tools in their ‘toolbox’.

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