Philadelphia Climate, Temperatures & Weather in degrees

Honolulu, Hawaii

In Honolulu, Hawaii the average temp annually is 24.38C (75.875F). 19.00C (66.20F) is the most cold monthly mean minimum temp (to be found in January, February, March) while 30.00C (86.00F) is the most hot monthly mean high temperature measured in the month of September. We can say that the annual average temperature range is 4.00C. Wet weather in Honolulu builds up to an average total of 556.00mm (21.89in) per annum. This is equivalent to average monthly precipitation of 46.33mm (1.82in). January is the rainiest month effected by an average of 96mm (3.78in) of rain falling over a period of 11 days while in June only 8mm (0.31in) of rain falls over 9 days. Honolulu’s climate is subject to 126 days per year with greater than 0.1mm (0.004in) of rainfall. Relative humidity at Honolulu averages 60% annually. 57% is the lowest average monthly relative humidity that presents itself in September and 64% is the peak average monthly relative humidity transpiring in January. Honolulu’s climate receives 3172 sunshine hours annually or 8.69 daily hours. Sunshine hours range from 6.1 per day in November to 10.7 per day in July. Get a more complete summary of the Honolulu climate Chart at the fantatastic website. Free Honolulu climate graphs display further information on the climate in Honolulu.

Philadelphia, Usa

In Philadelphia, Usa the mean annual temperature is 12.75C (54.95F). -3.00C (26.60F) is the coolest monthly average low temp (that takes place in January & February) while 30.00C (86.00F) is the hottest monthly average high temp transpiring in July. The mean temperature range is 24.00C. Wet weather in Philadelphia builds up to an average total of 1046.00mm (41.18in) per year. That means that average monthly rainfall is 87.17mm (3.43in). August is the wettest month subject to an average of 109mm (4.29in) of water precipitating on an average of 10 days while in October only 71mm (2.80in) of rain falls over 8 days. Philadelphia’s weather enjoys an average of 121 days per year with greater than 0.1mm (0.004in) of rainfall. Relative humidity at Philadelphia averages 54.58333333% over the year. 49% is the minimum mean monthly relative humidity ensueing in April and 61% is the maximum average monthly relative humidity that comes about in January. Philadelphia’s climate has an average of 2613 hours of sunlight per year equivalent to an average of 7.16 daily hours. Sunlight hours range between 4.6 per day in December to 10.2 per day in June. Get a more detailed review of the Philadelphia climate weather in October at this excellent resource. Just visit the link to find out more. Free Philadelphia climate charts depict full details about the windspeeds in Philadelphia.

Nashville, Usa

In Nashville, Usa the annual average temp is 15.50C (59.9F). -1.00C (30.20F) is the most cold monthly mean minimum temperature (that presents itself in January) while 33.00C (91.40F) is the most hot monthly mean high temp that presents itself in July. Therefore we can say that the annual average temperature range is 23.00C. Rainfall/ snowfall etc. in Nashville comes to an average total of 1148.00mm (45.20in) per year. That means that average monthly rainfall is 95.67mm (3.77in). January is the rainiest month subject to an average of 139mm (5.47in) of precipitation occurring during 11 days while in October only 59mm (2.32in) of rain falls over 6 days. Nashville’s climate enjoys an average of 107 days per year with greater than 0.1mm (0.004in) of rainfall. Relative humidity at Nashville averages 56.41666667% annually. 51% is the lowest mean monthly relative humidity ensueing in September, October and 67% is the peak average monthly relative humidity that takes place in January. Nashville’s weather has an average of 2601 sunshine hours annually or 7.13 daily hours. Sunlight hours range from 3.5 per day in January to 10.2 per day in June. There is further information about the weather in Nashville in June thanks to the online website. Click the link now to see it all. Free Nashville climate graphs expose a full review of the relative humidity in Nashville.