Tips to Reduce Skin Aging

It is a fact of life that everyone eventually gets some wrinkles and lines – but the amount of wrinkles and lines we end up with is something that we do have some control over. Check out these basic tips on anti-aging skin care that will help diminish the inevitable signs of aging

Avoid getting too much sun exposure

Too much ultraviolet light from the sun’s rays are harmful to skin and a prime cause of aging. Prematurely aged skin including liver spots and wrinkles are some of the long-term effects of tanning. They are also at a greater risk for skin cancer.

Most facial cosmetics have a sun block built in but if you use products that don’t or don’t use makeup on your face you may want to consider a sun block. Using a sun block is recommended but staying out of the sun is even better. Tanning and tanning beds are not recommended. If you are working or playing outdoors be sure to wear a hat.

Moisturize your skin

Harmful elements like wind, sun, and smoke can sap moisture from the skin. Adding moisture every day gives the skin’s outer surface a chance to absorb this and also acts as a protection against those harmful elements.


When skin is properly hydrated it is much more equipped to fight off those pollutants and irritants throughout the day and less likely to wrinkle. When it is dry and dehydrated this job is that much more difficult.

If you can’t drink water then try something else that keeps you hydrated, such as fruit juice.

Suitable foods include:
• Apples
• Watermelons
• Citrus fruits of all varieties, including oranges, lemons, limes, grapefruit
• Green leaf vegetables
• Tomatoes


Antioxidant products usually contain large amounts of vitamins that attack free radicals and assist the body to repair damaged cells.

Anti-aging Products for Skin Care

Most anti-aging skin care products work as good moisturizers but these products just cannot penetrate the layers of skin to actually repair or replace the body’s own collagen. Good products are those containing high levels of vitamins E and A, or just vitamin E oil on its own.

If you are over 45 and suffering from low human growth hormone (hgh) secretion levels, then Gen F20 HGH Releaser may assist you to increase your hgh levels which then improves the look and feel of your skin, and reduces fat while increasing lean muscle.

If you smoke, drink alcohol, eat poorly, get insufficient sleep, and don’t exercise then the effects of Gen F20 are reduced.

Exfoliate Regularly

This is a process your skin is supposed to go through naturally every month or so, as those bottom layers push up and remove the top layers naturally. You can help this process along by exfoliating on a regular basis.

NOTE: This information is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Always consult your doctor or relevant health professional before taking herbal supplements.