IC Remedies

Interstitial cystitis (IC) is a chronic bladder inflammation. It is often severe and very disruptive. Of the over 500,000 souls enduring IC, nearly ninety percent are female.

Symptoms of IC are infamously shifting and may be substantially distinct from one patient to another person, or even simply for one person from day to day. Patients suffering with IC ofttimes go through an urgent need to pee. They may experience persistent irritation, tenderness, pressing, or intense pain in the bladder and within the pelvic area.

Certain foods appear to catalyze symptoms. The most common foods named tend to be vinegar, tomatoes, spicy foods, coffee, chocolate, and alcohol.

IC is usually named after other considerations with similar symptoms have been omitted with confidence.

The absolute trigger of interstitial cystitis is undiscovered. While the symptoms are similar to a vesica infection, interstitial cystitis does not seem to be caused by bacteria. One theory proposes that interstitial cystitis is caused by a contagious agent which has not yet been detected. Another theory holds that interstitial cystitis is some sort of an autoimmune reaction. And then another theory is that IC is connected to allergic reactions. As it varies so much in unique individuals, IC may not be one disease but numerous diseases.

A variety of remedies are frequently tried alone or in concert before one is found that works. Oral antihistamines like hydroxyzine and certirizine may offer respite, and the sleepiness they create frequently breaks off over time. As a result of of these side-effects, some individuals choose a natural approach and believe in the quercetin interstitial cystitis studies suggesting quercetin’s helpful properties.

Other medicines used for interstitial cystitis include anti-inflammatory drugs and pyridium. In some cases, medications like heparin and dimethyl sulfoxide might be introduced into the bladder through a catheter. True surgical modification of the vesica is seldom employed to treat interstitial cystitis.

Quercetin is a common option among natural cures for interstitial cystitis. Quercetin is a bioflavonoid which might have anti-inflammatory attributes. A little placebo-controlled double-blind test found that a pill holding quercetin reduced symptoms of IC.

But you ought to research side effects of quercetin prior to continuing with this therapy. Specifically, patients suffering from GERD or acid reflux might desire to avoid quercetin. It wouldn’t be smart to risk further troubles within the digestive pathway while attempting to treat your IC.

DISCLAIMER: I’m not a doctor so you should consult with your medical doctor before taking any medical advice from the Web.