Benefits Of The Antioxidant Vitamin

The medical world has divided opinions about antioxidant vitamins. They have the reputation of fighting old age by preventing cellular decay associated with the release of free radicals. Antioxidant vitamins include beta carotene or a form of vitamin A, vitamin E and vitamin C. Many people are now taking some antioxidant supplement either to stay in good shape and maintain youth or to fight cardio-vascular disease.

Medical precautions!

Research has not so far provided conclusive data about whether antioxidant vitamins are really working for the treatment of heart disease. Instead of taking supplements, people are encouraged to eat a balanced diet, getting nutrients from all the major food categories. The amounts of antioxidant vitamins taken from food should be enough to maintain good health. Better consume nuts, whole grains and fruits instead of supplements!

Other natural antioxidants!

Besides vitamin A, E and C, the body uses other substances and chemicals to fight the formation of the free radicals. It is good to know that free radicals appear not only as by-products of cellular activity but are also released because of sun exposure and pollution. Green tea, gingko biloba, grape seed extract, zinc and selenium have a powerful antioxidant effect. These substances are either taken from diet or from herbal supplements. Drink one or two cups of green tea per day and have several fruit servings.

Physical exercises and antioxidant vitamins!

When you undergo strenuous physical effort after long rest periods your body is unprepared for the effort, and the system will secret more free radicals than ever at such times. Do regular physical activity and use antioxidant vitamins to keep free radicals under control. Regular exercises are known to enhance the body’s defenses ensuring protection against free radicals. Scientific information is pretty scarce here, meaning that there are no conclusive studies to indicate whether a supplementation of antioxidant vitamins would help an athlete fight against oxidation or not.

Whether to take antioxidant vitamins or not!

More and more medical experts recommend a balanced diet instead of supplements. A decade ago antioxidant vitamins were considered harmless, but no one knows how things really stand any more. At present, scientists are becoming more aware of the interactions and the potential toxicity of antioxidant supplements. Live a healthy balanced life and try not to over-supplement because that could do more harm than good. As long as we provide the right nutrients, our bodies should work automatically due to the fine tuning of the defense mechanisms.

Disclaimer: The information in this article is intended for informational purposes only and it should not be considered as, or used in place of, medical advice or professional recommendations for acne diagnosis or treatment.

George K. Kerry is the writer of this report related to Multi Vitamins. For more reviews related to wartrol or bowtrol visit his site

Acai Berry Information.

Perhaps you’ve heard the buzz surrounding the Acai Berry, the “superfood” that is growing in popularity all over the world. Have you wondered why it has generated such a strong following from the medical community, the celebrity stars that use it and hundreds of thousands of others who are devoted to it?


This little purple berry is anything but small when it comes to nutritional value. Oprah’s doctor, Dr. Perricone, points to the acai berry as his top superfood, his first recommendation for a healthy diet.


Grown in the Amazon rain forest, the acai berry is a small fruit, smaller than a grape. It is composes of a large seed surrounded by a small amount of pulp. There is no nutritional use for the seed; only the pulp is harvested for consumption.


What makes the acai so good for you? Primarily, it’s the ultra-high levels of anti-oxidants found in this tiny berry. It has one of the highest anti-oxidant levels of any food in the world. There are twice as many anti-oxidants in acai as there are in blueberries, and more than 10 times the number in grapes!


Antioxidants are so important to our body’s health because they combine with unstable atoms in our body called free radicals. When we have too many free radicals, they cause disease and fatigue, particularly free radicals in Oxygen cells. This process of turning a regular oxygen cell into a free radical is called oxidation.


We get free radicals from stressing our body – which happens in everyday living! Just walking, exercising, feeling stress, and breathing polluted air can produce free radicals. That’s why we need to consume plenty of anti-oxidants like those found in the acai berry!


Another great property of the acai berry is the anthocyanin content. Anthocyanins are the substance found in red wine grapes that help prevent heart disease. There is thirty times the amount of anthocyanins in acai berries as there is in red wine!


They are rich in Omega 3 and 6 fats – the healthy fats, and heavy in amino acids. There are 19 different amino acids, the building blocks of proteins that are vital to health. You’ll also find plant sterols that help with digestion and heart health, along with vitamins A, B1, B3, B2, C, and E. It’s an incredibly good source of vitamin C as well as potassium, calcium, magnesium, copper and zinc as well.


When you combine all of these health benefits with the high fiber and delicious taste of acai, it’s small wonder that this superberry is growing in popularity all over the world.


Besides Oprah and Dr. Perricone, Rachel Ray also promotes the acai berry, voting it the number one superfood in the world. Dr. Mehmet Oz, a respected doctor and author, also promotes acai berries for their high anti-oxidant content.
Other top stars use the acai to maintain their health and promote weight loss, including Kelly Slater, surf champ, matthew McConaughey, Mariano Rivera, Torii Hunder, Steve Burton and Kate Hudson.



Never start a dieting program without consulting your doctor first. The information i provide is solely for reference and based on personal experience. Individual experiences may vary and the above should not be taken in place of proper medical treatment by a professional. Always consult your Doctor before taking any medication.