What Are Hemorrhoids?



This is very sensitive area of your body. Too private. Nobody likes when something is wrong over there. However it happens. Hemorrhoids occur practically in everyone. Though hemorrhoids cause problems in 1 out of 25 people. Mostly those are people between 45 and 65 years of age. You find a blood on toilet tissue. Bright red blood. Ok, now what? You do not know why you bleed. It could be rectal cancer by the way. It could be hemorrhoids. So? What are the hemorrhoids?

They look like cushions. They contain blood vessels, some muscle and elastic fibers. People often call them piles.

Hemorrhoids can be treated through an effective system called H Miracle System

Not everything over there is a hemorrhoid. There could be other problems. Fissure, abscess, fistula, pruritus (itching), condylomata (sort of hanging skin caused by viral infection), viral and bacterial skin infections can happen in that, so sensitive area.

How would a scenario of hemorrhoids look? A 46-year-old female presents with complaints on rectal discomfort, occasional bright red blood on toilet tissue and prolapsing tissue in of anal area. This is probably internal hemorrhoid. Another scenario brings a patient who complains on severe rectal pain and prolapsed tissue. The severe pain happens in external hemorrhoids. The pain follows thrombosis (thrombosis is the blood clot in your blood vessels).

There are four degrees of internal hemorrhoids. It may be interesting for you to know because first, second and sometime third degree can be treated by banding only. Fourth degree and sometime third degree requires surgery. Do not forget non-hemorrhoid causes of symptoms. To check with your doctor is worthwhile because there could be other problems, including cancer or anal fissure. (By the way for anal fissure medical treatment alone may heal it in 90% of cases).

H Miracle is a good option that can be tried to deal with hemorrhoids. You can watch a video on H Miracle.

Disclaimer: This article is only meant for information purpose and not any medical advice. A registered medical practitioner should be consulted for any medical condition.



Natural Hemorrhoid Remedies

For those who are actually suffering from hemorrhoids, simple home remedies are possible which will reduce the pain and discomfort associated with this. Mild cases of hemorrhoids will promptly respond to home remedies but acute cases must be treated with proper medication. Almost 95% of cases of hemorrhoids can be treated with H Miracle. Some natural hemorrhoid remedies are as follows:

1. Patients can sit on warm water or Sitz baths for 15 minutes three or four times a day. These will give lot of comfort to them. If Epsom salt can be added to water it will provide a very nice soothing effect and it will also help to reduce the swellings.

2. Plenty of fresh fruits, leafy vegetables and fibrous foods must be incorporated in regular diet. Regular exercising is must. Lot of water and fluid intake is imperative. Spicy foods, alcoholic drinks should be totally avoided.

3. The anal area should be cleansed with mild warm water. Unscented and mild soaps and uncolored tissue papers should always be used. Gently cleaning the area with a wet cleansing tissue is highly recommended.

4. Haste and excessive pressure should be avoided during bowel movements.

5. Sitting for a long time in the same posture is not recommended at all. This may cause unwarranted strain and pressure on the pelvic area and thus may increase the symptoms. So periodic movements of the body is needed. Short walks or stretching can help.

6. If natural home remedies are not having effect on hemorrhoids even after 1-2 weeks then the physician must be contacted. Proper medication should always be followed. Indulgence in over-the-counter drugs without physician’s prescription is a strict no-no.

Thus we can see that very simple natural home remedies for hemorrhoids are available. Another natural remedy is H Miracle. This is an online product which describes systems to fight hemorrhoid pain through 100% natural ways. Nearly 85-90% of cases do get solved by using the ways described in H Miracle System. H Miracle is a much better solution than repeated use of lotions and creams or OTC drugs.

Disclaimer: This article is for information purpose and should not be taken as medical advice. A registered practitioner must be consulted before any kind of medication.

Symptoms Of Hemorrhoids And H Miracle

Let us find out what are the reasons behind Hemorrhoids and the way to understand whether you are having this condition or not. This medical condition is quite common one but if allowed to reamin untreated can be very painful and embarrasing in the regular day to day life. Not that only creams, ointments and surgery can treat this. Simple behavioral changes can sometimes have great effects and can comfort the pain to a large extent. Although simple home treatment like H Miracle will be possible for anyone but the quickness of effect does depend on the seriousness of that person’s condition. Sometimes in highly critical cases surgery is left to be the only option. In milder situations, H Miracle System may give great results.

How To Understand Whether You Are Having Hemorrhoids or Not:

1. If the external area of the anus itches and causes irritation regularly during bowel movements.

2. If you are having difficulty in passing stool and applying extra pressure and finally if you see drops of bloods with your stool.

3. if you are feeling utter discomfort while cleansing your anal area.

Conventional treatments like medicines, creams and ointments and even surgery is available for this problem. But those are not the only options. But natural home remedy like H Miracle can easily drive away this pain if the correct methods are known.

Disclaimer: This article is for information purpose only and should not be taken as medical advice. A registered practitioner should be consulted for any medication.