Kissing Disease Mono

Mononucleosis also known as a “kissing disease” is a fairly serious illness, however in the overwhelming majority of cases it is not life threatening. The nickname is easily explained by the fact that mononucleosis is a viral infection spread by saliva or/and any kind of close contact between people. The disease is usually spread by Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) and can affect both males and females of any age. Teenagers, however, are at higher risk of getting mononucleosis than other age groups.

A natural solution for treatment mononucleosis would be to use salt water to gargle with. If you have a severe sore throat try sucking on ice, drinking tea with honey in it, and frozen fruit bars and Popsicles might help to relieve some of the soreness during treatment mononucleosis. Another aid with the sore throat would be to place small amounts of apple cider vinegar in warm water to help the sore throat.

Going to a doctor, he will check to see if your lymph nodes are swollen. Sometimes your spleen or your liver will be swollen and they will check for that because it can be a very direct indicator as to if you have mono or not. The doctor will probably want to do some blood work on you to confirm if you have mono the kissing disease or not. If you have a higher than normal white blood count the chances are that you do have mono the kissing disease.

To lessen the symptom of mononucleosis, fatigue, all the person can do is rest. It may be that the sufferer will miss a lot of work or school, but this is the only thing that can be done to ease this particular symptom of mononucleosis. It is recommended that people with mono admit to themselves that they are tired and need to lie down and then they have to do just that.

The confusing factor about the disease is the nature of the symptoms of mononucleosis that very much resemble those of a common flu. During the first few days the symptoms of mononucleosis will include persistent fatigue, severe headache, dizziness, loss of appetite, fever and muscle pains. In the beginning most people would be sure they are dealing with a flu. However, if those conditions persist for more than ten days, one is likely to be facing the symptoms of mononucleosis.

Other solutions people use to treat monokissing disease are herbal remedies.Which have existed since the beginning of time and are successful .This approach is said to behelpful for those preferring a less modernized approach. Regardless of which method used to treat mononucleosis; the end result is receiving some form of treatment to ensure good health.

Looking to find info on Kissing Disease, then visit our site to find the best information on kissing disease for you. This information is provided for educational purposes only. Please consult your doctor before taking any medical advice.