Why Laser Tattoo Removal Scores Over Other Methods

No matter how often we get a wax or when we last shaved, the area never quite has a smooth, flawless appearance unlike using the Brazilian laser hair removal. You are amongst those experimental people who loved to try new things and be adventurous when you were young. In that same spirit you got some really bold body art done like tattoos. And now that age has caught up you aren’t too proud of what you have got? Well, it’s because fads do not last and people grow out of them. Also, sometimes getting rid of old memories is the only way to move on. Now do not despair as you have many options at your disposal to get your tattoo removed. Laser tattoo removal just happens to be the best of them all. To help you better we have discussed some of the options available…

1. If having tattoos still interests you then you can get your older one covered with a new bigger one with darker inks. But it is not for those who want to simply get rid of tattoos.

2. There are lotions and creams available that have to be applied every day for month’s altogether. But then they are effective for tattoos in lighter colours and also sometimes even they do not help. It is a tedious process.

3. Laser tattoo removal is the best method of all to get tattoos removed completely. It works for even those with darker tones of ink. It works by a natural process by breaking the ink in skin which is then removed by the body.

Laser tattoo removal treatment ranges from three to twelve sessions where in a topical anaesthetic is applied to mask the pain which otherwise also is less as compared to getting the tattoo done. Appointments are spaced 6-8 weeks thus so despite of being the quickest tattoo removal method it takes a few months time for complete removal. Side effects are rare and few and can be minimised when you consult a specialist.